Miami. Cool, hip, vibrant.
This is where I want to live. This is where I work.
Welcome to

Florida, US Federal, and International Law
Tailored legal advice with a "German Touch"

Law is my passion.
This is me.
I am Barbara Schlentrich, a German attorney with 25 years of experience and Founder of Schlentrich Law PLLC in Miami.
Looking back on my career as an attorney and Executive Vice President at one of the world's leading exchange organizations in Germany brings up a lot of good memories.
Challenging international M&A projects, complicated strategic legal advice to Board of Directors and Supervisory Boards, regulatory compliance and crisis management under enormous pressure. Over the years that has been my daily business.
I loved traveling around the world, working with fascinating and inspiring personalities, and building my international network along the way.
Then, I was ready for a change. I wanted to study law again. A different one. On the other side of the Atlantic.
Can you believe it? Let me tell you: Being the most senior student among the young crowd of University of Miami School of Law was VERY special...
Now, as a Juris Doctor cum laude and Master of Laws in International Law, admitted to practice law in both Florida and Germany, I am happy and highly motivated to help clients from both sides of the Atlantic understand the laws in the "Old"and the "New World," including the respective cultural differences.
Schlentrich Law PLLC, my boutique law firm located in the heart of Miami, offers high-quality, tailored legal advice to private and corporate clients in Business and International Law, US-Immigration Law, Real Estate Law, and Trusts and Estates.

Law is my passion.
This is what I love to do.

For Innovators and Entrepreneurs
Business Law
The world is changing. And it is getting smaller and smaller. People from Europe and elsewhere think about relocating, transferring assets, or investing abroad. Many of them come to Florida. The state has a growing economy and reputation for being very business friendly.
Creating business in SoFlo? You'll get sun, beautiful beaches, and a "life in paradise" on top!
Well, there are some tricky hurdles. But I can help you with that!
We will choose the right legal form wisely and I'll do the paperwork. Weatherproof. I am on your side during the whole process, and you can benefit from my network: Reputable experts in accounting, taxes, and real estate.
Even if you are already successful as a Florida businessman or
woman, I will be happy to provide you with legal advice at all stages - to further expand and protect your business, draft appropriate contracts, and navigate day-to-day legal issues.
For Explorers
Immigration Law
On the move? Thinking about living or working in South Florida or the U.S. temporarily or permanently? Maybe a good idea...
U.S. immigration can be a very complicated and sometimes even frustrating matter.
You better make NO mistakes while navigating through the jungle of visa categories and required documents such as business plans, evidence of funds to cover expenses, or certification of your professional history, just to name a few.
Whether you apply for an immigrant or non-immigrant visa, if you are a student, worker, entrepreneur, sportsman/sportswoman or a scientist - whatever your background is - give me a call.
We'll analyze and discuss your options and choose the right path for your exciting journey. I'll be by your side.

For Settlers
Real Estate Law
Real Estate is BIG business in South Florida.
When I moved here a couple of years ago many friends gave me a clear warning: "Some people will try to trick you in Miami. Try not to be tricked too much!"
Honestly? They were right.
Over time you learn how to avoid scammers and fishy offers - but as a "newbie" you are pretty much prone to lose money or your faith in people.
So. Be smart. Prepare yourself and get legal support if you plan to invest in property. There are many stakeholders in the business. Some of them are serious, some of them questionable...
I saw people struggling with real estate deals or remodeling projects - without knowledge of what to do or where to turn.
Think you could use some help? Talk to me.
For Visionaries
Trust and Estate Law
Law is my passion. You want to know why?
Helping some of my elderly clients to settle their estates can be very emotional and heartwarming. I always give my very best to make them feel reassured, well-informed, and secure. A comprehensive explanation and joint evaluation of all available options is key.
However, trust and estate planning is not only of value for seniors.
It is particularly important for foreigners. An example: If a non-resident of Florida passes leaving Florida property such as real estate, goodwill, or bank accounts, an ancillary probate proceeding in Florida may be necessary to settle the estate. The implications can be far-reaching and potentially unpleasant for beneficiaries or heirs.
Let me advise you in a timely manner on these important issues and prepare the appropriate documents for your individual situation.